Te Pae Tawhiti 2040
Vision Statement 2040
He Whenua Rangatira
Tō Tātou Kaupapa:
Kia pūmau ki te kupu, tutuki noa ngā taonga tuku iho
Te Tiriti o Waitangi me He Whakaputanga
We are an independent and sovereign nation
Our Purpose:
To hold fast to the promise to advance and protect our legacies
Our duty and responsibility is to protect and advance Māori rights according to Te Tiriti o Waitangi me He Whakaputanga
Ā Tātou Tikanga
Our Core Principles
Mō te iwi te take
Service to the people
Protect and enhance our reciprocal relationships within the natural world
Uphold Māori self-determination and mana motuhake
Foster reciprocation
Restore balance by asserting Te Tiriti o Waitangi me He Whakaputanga
Mauri tū, mauri ora
Protect life force and quality of being
Our identity and spiritual connection
Ahi kā
Continuity to place and belonging
Kōrero ā toi
Sovereignty over our communication and language
Ngā Whāinga
Key Goals
Whāinga 1. To strengthen our foundations
(a) We are fully sustainable
(b) Our structures, system and policy are robust
(c) Our attitude is one of continuous improvement
(d) We hold ourselves accountable to te iwi Māori, ngā tamariki mokopuna hoki
(e) We will set the bar by providing high quality Te Tiriti advice and analysis
Whāinga 2. Rangatiratanga in trade related spaces
(a) Understand kaupapa Māori needs in trade-related spaces
(b) Deliver education and empowerment programmes for Māori communities effected by trade agreements (Wai 2522)
(c) To be a hub for discourse on rangatiratanga in trade-related spaces
(d) Develop and implement a tikanga-based trade approach
Whāinga 3. We will create and enhance strategic relationships
(a) Iwi Māori whanui: implement 2(a)-(c)
(b) Iwi taketake: advocating Indigenous-to-Indigenous relationships
(c) Kāwanatanga: work in a mana enhancing relationship of equals
(d) Māori entities in trade-related spaces: cultivate a cohesive approach